Little Swan

I mentioned in the last Newsletter I have got much going on behind the scenes at Cheoco.  (If you haven’t yet signed up for the Newsletter and received your free Dreamwork Booklet you can do so here.)

One of those things, which I am delighted to now “formally” announce,  is a collaboration with a very dear Australian friend, now living in the USA, who is a writer and published author.

Together we have been working on creating children’s stories to accompany the items I make, which, in the case of the animals and birds, bring into the story the very generalised basic symbolism of that particular animal or bird.

I am really excited about this collaboration and delighted to share our first package with you of “Little Swan.”

All packages will be comprising of an A5, laminated copy of the story, complete with picture and border, together with a  3D item which has been needle felted.

For those who are new to needle felting, it is essentially sculpting and “painting” with flat or curled wool fleece, using barbed needles of varying weights/thicknesses.  By the action of stabbing the wool with the barbed needle/s the barbs pull the fibres of wool together to make a solid but extremely light object.  The more the wool is stabbed, the denser, firmer, the object being created becomes.  Some items require the use of wire or pipe cleaner to form their skeletal shape, feet or claws and the wool fleece is then wrapped around this armature being built up in layers, stabbing as I go to shape the item.

If you would like to purchase Little Swan & her story for yourself or someone special in your life, you can do so for $39.75 at Old Petrie Town this Sunday between 8am and 2pm or you can go to my Etsy Shop where her dimensions are available.  She can also be made in black if you prefer a black swan.

Prices are in Australian Dollars and postage which is additional includes packaging & gift wrapping.  If you live overseas you will need to research Customs regulations in your country before purchasing and you will also need to pay any taxes applicable to your country.

Please note these items are NOT suitable at all for children under 3 years of age nor any child who is likely to suck on it, pull it apart or put any wool in their mouth, to play with. 

I trust and hope you enjoy Michele’s first story:


By Michele Dowling.

The baby animals gathered at the pond, looked so happy. Splashing around, laughing and playing together. “Little Swan” had never been included, because she looked, swam and sounded strange to the others. They always poked fun at her, picked on her, hid from her or laughed at her. This made “Little Swan” feel uncomfortable and sad but she never gave up hope that one day she would be accepted for who she was, not what or who they thought she should be.

As she listened to the laughter and chatter she wanted so much to be included in the fun. Swimming on her own she saw her reflection in the water staring back at her. She accepted who she was and wished the others would too but being truthful, she disliked the fuzziness of her feathers, the beak that was oversized for her face, but most of all her voice. It was squeaky and loud, and she knew the others couldn’t easily understand her.

As if Little Swan’s wish to be included was heard, a strange bright yellow mist came towards her. When the mist lifted, she stared in amazement at the reflection of herself in the water she now saw.  Her feathers were sleek, soft and shiny, her neck and beak slender, but her voice was the best because when she opened it to speak, a soft, angelic sound emerged. She was overjoyed to realise she had become a “Big” beautiful, shiny, sleek Swan.

The others gathered around to marvel at the new her. Little Swan was ever so happy to now be included and she knew the cruel treatment she had endured was over.  She had been rewarded with grace and beauty because she had held fast to her own trust, faith, hope and acceptance of herself, all of which had been rewarded by The Creator.

© Story & Image/s Michele Dowling & Cheryl O’Connor February 2017 – all rights reserved.  This story and associated image/s may not be reproduced in any way without the express written consent of Michele or Cheryl who can be contacted via Cheoco Enterprises, Old Petrie Town, Whiteside, Queensland, Australia.  Ph: 0423 663 520. Email:








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